Print ‘thriving in wider publishing ecosystem’, finds UPM white paper.

Print continues to play a pivotal role in multi-platform, multi-channel strategies for publishers. This was one of the key takeaways from a presentation at FIPP Insider in Paris based on a UPM white paper on the future of media.  ‘The Future of Media: How digital-to-print revenue models continue to shape the industry’ is one of four white papers produced this year by FIPP in collaboration with UPM Communication Papers, one of the six business areas of…

History Magazines your curiosity will love.

History magazines Don’t know your Boleyns from your Borgias? Never fear, there are history magazines bringing the past into the present.  All About History What’s it about: ‘Britain’s biggest and best independent history magazine’ – according to Twitter page. Vital statistics: Issue 80 (undated, but purchased July 2019): 100 pages of 300mm x 230mm. Gloss paper, heavyweight cover, stitched. £4.99 cover price. Claims a 40k ‘print circulation’ on website. Published monthly by Future in Bournemouth. Cover: Dramatic illustration…

The Newz Point team takes part in distribution marketing for one of its partners, China Daily at Game Stores in Kampala.

Brand to Hand Campaign on behalf of China Daily

Brand to hand activation campaigns are important for keeping our partner brands up with their current & potential audiences. Our brand ambassadors executed a successful brand activation campaign on behalf of China Daily at Game Stores Kampala. The China Daily global edition News paper presents an incisive, panoramic picture of China. You’ll find quality journalism including insight, opinion, culture and more, published Monday to Friday. Daily copies are available at our selected retail outlets in Kampala,…